Friday 10 July 2009

Mango Mousse

I love mangoes. They're, along with bananas, the only fruit I buy throughout the year, although I tend to favor U.K.-grown ones for environmental reasons. But apart from greedily devouring their sweet yellow flesh, standing at the kitchen counter, bags of unpacked groceries at my feet, juice dripping down my forearm, I never quite know what to do with them.

This state of affairs looked unlikely to change until I stumbled, in the course of the past few days, upon an avalanche of recipes for raspberry mousse. Now, I like raspberries. In fact, I like them so much --and they're so darn expensive--that I didn't immediately take to the idea of blitzing them into a puree. So I thought, why not try it with mangoes?

When an idea for a recipe strikes me, I usually need to execute it immediately. So I rushed down to the Indian corner shop and took a look at their mangoes. They were yellower, thinner and longer than the kind I usually buy, but the shopkeeper assured me I would be pleasantly surprised. And indeed I was.

This recipe makes about five individual mousses of the size of a largish espresso cup (as seen in the photo).The mousse is not very sweet and the mango taste, while delicate, is very noticeable so this pud is not a good way of making little people who dislike mangoes eat them, just in case you were thinking you might get away with it.

Two mangoes
300ml double cream
2 egg whites

5g gelatine
2 tablespoons honey, agave syrup or sugar

15 minutes before you start, place a large bowl in the fridge to chill it.

Slice each mango in two. With a sharp knife, criss-cross the flesh. Peel off the cubes thus formed by sliding your knife as close as possible to the skin, as you would when preparing melon. Put the flesh into a food processor and reduce to a pulp.

Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form soft white peaks. Then, in your chilled bowl, whip your double cream. Be careful not to overdo it or it will turn into butter.

Dissolve your gelatine according to the instructions on the packet, usually in a few tablespoons of warm water. Once the gelatine has dissolved, blitz it in the microwave at full power for 15 seconds, just to be sure. Incorporate it with your mango puree. If you're adding sugar or agave syrup, now's the time.

Carefully fold in the cream, making figures of eight with a wooden spatula. Repeat with the egg whites. Place in the fridge until set, at least a couple of hours. Serve chilled.


  1. Beautiful!

    I wish you were here for Miami's mango season. I've been eating the best ones of my life lately. And, honestly, I can't imagine doing anything besides peeling and devouring.

    Do you ever freeze yours? Frozen cubes make great mock ice creams when blended with a bit of cream. Or milk shakes ~ like the gargantuan ones at Robert is Here! ;)

    Man, I wish you could taste the ones here! They've got to be sweeter than what's cropping up in London.


  2. Oh I must try the mock ice cream! This reminds me my sister and I used to do this in France years ago with petits suisses, which are basically kid-size, thick fruity yoghurt. You'd peel off the lid, insert a wooden stick in them and pop them in the freezer. Healthy ice cream for the little people --and the not so little ones--.

  3. Just found your blog, and I love this recipe -- sounds like something to try for my mom and my grandma, who both love mangoes (they used to live in Suriname when my mom was little, and they grew them in their back yard).

    Also, I want to steal those butterfly cups. They are gorgeous.
